There are different types of Dyslexia and the symptoms of dyslexia can vary from one person to the next. Recognizing this learning disability opens the door to remarkable progress.
What is dyslexia for one person may be mainly difficulty in reading (including spelling dyslexia). For another person the symptoms of dyslexia may include problems with arithmetic (number dyslexia), poor sense of direction and map reading (directional dyslexia), difficulty in knowing left from right and a tendency to reverse words, letters or symbols in one's speech.
Some experts now believe that the different types of dyslexia are related to other types of learning disabilities like ADD, ADHD and Dyspraxia.
The different types of dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and Dyspraxia can be very stressful because you don’t seem to be living in the same world, or getting the same results for your efforts as your family members, classmates or co-workers.
Somehow you’re not connecting right or feel isolated and different, but don’t know why.
In my case, I had several different types of dyslexia. I loved to read. I worked hard at school. But I flunked spelling in the 5th grade and getting the right answer to simple arithmetic was overwhelmingly difficult. My parents, though loving, did not understand. I was labeled “careless” and urged to try harder. My math grades suffered. So did my self esteem. My sense of direction was so poor it was comical and I couldn't tell left from right. I used to hear things like “for a smart girl, how could you be so dumb”?
My first solution was to build emotional defenses. I decided I didn't like math and my spelling was “creative”.
Then in my senior year of high school an observant teacher grading my paper said “you have dyslexia”. I wondered "what is dyslexia"? Initially it was a word to explain why I have trouble with spelling and math. I seemed to be “wired” differently. I "flip my digits”.
The diagnosis gave me emotional relief but the problem was still there.
I avoided math classes and traded babysitting for editing services in college.
By law school the pressure was even more intense. I finally got tested.
I located a career counselor in my area who administered a series of tests. (In some locations schools either have, or can guide you to these resources.)
Dyslexia testing was a major break through, it gave huge stress relief. I learned two new strategies for coping.
My husband balances my check book so we avoid financial disasters.
I've learned to slow down and get enough rest to function better.
Computers and spell checkers are a wonderful blessing.
I now study with my ears.
I carefully check and double check my directions.
Dyslexia may not be your learning problem. ADD and ADHD can present different challenges and solutions.
But I urge you to get professional assistance. Getting tested for the different types of dyslexia may give you much greater understanding of the problems and much more effective practical coping methods then the one's you are using now. Things can get better.
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dyslexia. (2009). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica 2007 Deluxe Edition. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.
Stordy, Jacqueline B., Ph.D. and Micholl, Malcolm J. 2000. The LCP Solution - The Remarkable Nutritional Treatment For Add, Dyslexia & Dyspraxia. New York: Ballantine Books
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