Core Values - A Remedy for Grumpiness

by Catherine

Acceptance and flexibility help me keep smiling

Acceptance and flexibility help me keep smiling

What a great topic! I've discovered that some of these personal core values also have cultural nuances. At this moment I find myself thinking mostly about acceptance as a remedy for grumpiness.

Being raised in the States, preparedness is a core value that has served me well. However I've had to shift since many people here (in Italy) don't plan very far into the future.

It's just not reasonable or even possible to change an entire culture to suit me. So acceptance, flexibility and not taking myself too seriously are values that I do my best to remember when my day gets changed around many times.

Really, personal core values are what gets us through when things get tense.

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The Influence of Culture on Values
by: Gail

I agree, the culture we are in can influence our core values and how they are, or can be appropriately expressed.

I remember one time I had the privilege of working on a project with an international team. I discovered I needed to slow down, be much more patient, and much more polite with my international co workers. Otherwise I was considered rude and I was hurting their feelings even when I did not intend to.

Stress Relief and Patience
by: Steve

Stress is like the part of our daily life. If we follow some simple steps we can get rid of the stress. Increasing the patience especially at work is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Stress will destroy happiness.

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